If you want to ask a technical question or need some support (only registered users) then you can email us but dont forget to send the next info:

  1. Name

  2. Email address used to purchase

  3. Explain as much detailed as possible any problem or question.

    Dont say "it does not work" or some other general phrase, please give us as much details (even screenshot) if possible.
    Upload your screenshot to imgur.com and give us the link here.

  4. Detail which version of Mp3Doctor/Mp3Doctor PRO/Mp4Gain/Mp3Gain PRO are you using

  5. Explain about which feature are you making a question

  6. Explain which settings you used (BitRate, SampleRate, etc), per example: an mp3 with 128 kbs and 44100 khz

Any email without the proper info will be ignored by our server


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