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How can we set equal volume for all our mp3 files?

How can we set equal volume for all our mp3 files?

The eternal question is: how can we normalize the volumes of all our mp3 files? Because the problem is quite clear as we get our music collection grows beyond a few tens of mp3s (though now the new version called Mp3Doctor PRO 2 can normalize AAC, M4A (iTunes), AC3, FLAC, Oog, Wav , MP2, MP3, etc).

We said that this is the problem as we have a good-sized coleccvion. The reasons we have already explained at length: audio files come from various sources, are encoded or converted using different converters and using different bitrates and sample rates, this creates a cocktail inconsistent volume levels.

Try, for example, record a CD with this scenario provides disastrous results. The CD soanara refiriendosnos uneven volume levels straight to.

audio Normalizer

Here is where the only option normalize audio.
But we are not talking about methods antiguows as was peak search volume and based on that make standardization.

With existing equipment today and especially with the variety of possible players (digital audio file can be played by the player’s car, a laptop that accompanies us porm morning jogging in our computer, on your phone, in a motorcycle, etc.)

This standardization should be done for every second (actually every millisecond) music file (either mp3, aac, m4a, ac3, etc) sound to the highest standards, so you have the maximum loudness is possible and even audible in noisy environments (in the car, motorcycle, jogging, etc).

So the Mp3Doctor Mp3Doctor PRO and PRO 2 offer additional options such as trim (which cleans the initial silence and the end of a song), the ability to achieve equalization squeezing the highest quality to our audio files. You will also have the opportunity to pitch without afetar mmodificar the tempo and vice versa.

That is, everything is planned for you to have the highest quality of reproduction and volumes that have the same sound, that sound almost identical to a volume between different songs.

You no longer have to manually increase or decrease the volume knob, now Mp3Doctor PRO (for mp3s) or Mp3Doctor PRO 2 (for many other formats like FLAC, Ogg, AAC, AC3, M4A, MP2, MP3, etc) be able to maintain volume at the same level for each song of your music collection.

Now you can enjoy of one volume noivel eincluso a uniform and superior sound cvalidad so easy, as the softqare is simple to operate and have instructional videos that will explain step by step the powerful, yet easy to use, options software.
In ummary, you can normalize to normalize hundreds of songs with a single click on the button.



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