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Mp3 Normalizer, essential in modern times

Mp3 Normalizer, essential in modern times

This article has been translated automatically from a European language.

Anyone with a few dozens or hundreds of mp3s can see that there is a problem of unevenness in volume between different MP3 files. This is even more remarkable cvuendo hear our music in environments such as cars, offices, rooms, etc..

Some mp3s sound clear and strong, but others sound like a very low volume, forcing us to turn up the volume manually.

It is at this stage where the need arises for a normalizing volume.

Initially, so a bit naive, it sought the peak of each song and this song was amplified evenly whole until the peak reached the maximum tolerable level, preventing distortion. As the music is not always maintained an equal level, but there are passages that sound more than others, the previous solution did not prevent some passages should remain too low to be audible in a noisy environment (eg in the car).

It has therefore been necessary in the process of evolution normalzacion volume to suit the season, new players. Now, with the Mp3Doctor PRO, the full song will be clearly audible, with a clarity that seemed absent before. Sounds and environments emerge when we applied the volume boost and allow you to enjoy more of your music.

Whether you listen to your music, either silently or in the midst of noisy, just as you could enjoy it in all its glory.

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