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Why MP3Doctor PRO 2 is the best mp3 normalizer ?

Why MP3Doctor PRO 2 is the best mp3 normalizer ?

By using a totally new and different paradigm .
Our software has evolved over the years, increasingly improving the algorithm used to normalize the volume
Currently the software normalizes each frame . We are talking about 44 000 frames per second. A 3-minute song would have more than 7 millons of frames , each of which is norlaized by MP3Doctor PRO 2 based on an advanced method to make the level of each frequency of each voice , each instrument … be managed and normalized to achieve its most optimal level .
It is a process of a similar way to that used in a concert in a large stadium , which is achieved with success the sound more stridente and powerful, like an electric guitar riff or a trumpet sound with a similar level of volume a soft murmur of a flute , a piano played softly, or a murmur of the singer’s voice . Everything is audible without conflict.
MP3Doctor PRO 2 achieves something in that line of efficiency, capacity and quality. Of course a much lower price .

MP3Doctor PRO 2 has been created and perfected by people with experience in professional music recording in the music industry, in handling massive audio in live events.
That is, by people who know, not only math and algorithms but audio.

So what normalization is only provided as there is no other software that offers a result of this level.

MP3Doctor PRO2 is actually used by multiple FM radio stations around the world, also by television … by DJs and many people in the music business.

Because it is unique, its high quality of normalization.


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