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Posts tagged make mp3

Mp3 Normalizer – Equalize the volume of my music in mp3?

Mp3 Normalizer – Equalize the volume of my music in mp3? Very often (daily would say) we get many emails where people consult us if Mp3Doctor Mp3Doctor PRO or PRO (which is equal to Mp3Doctor PRO but it works for me, as formats like FLAC, Ogg, AAC, AC3, M4A, etc. ), want to know if […]

Mp3 louder software

Mp3 louder software Another common question: I have an mp3 that when i opened it and played it, the volume was much lower than any of my other mp3s. I have read of people making mp3 files louder but the quality turns worse. How do I make my mp3 louder without losing quality?   I […]