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Posts tagged mp4 mp3

Mp3 Volume Normalizer – Mp3 Volume Booster

Mp3 Volume Normalizer – Mp3 Volume Booster Many people wonder if they use the PRO 2 Mp3Doctor their mp3s volume down, as happens with other standards developers or converters and we can not assure you that, in all, the volume will go up, not down. Mp3Doctor increases the volume, not only of the song com […]

Mp3 Doctor, the latest audio normalizer.

Mp3 Doctor, the latest audio normalizer. That’s right, the Mp3Doctor PRO version 2 offers, first, the normalization algorithm more stable, efficient and modern. Whereupon the volume of all audio files (remember Mp3Doctor PRO 2 not only normalizes mp3s, but the most common audio formats: mp3, mp2, flac, ogg, m4a, aac, ac3 wav &.) Stay with […]

Mp3 Normalizer : Audio and Video

Mp3 Normalizer : Audio and Video For a long time it has emerged the need to normalize the audio either MP3 music files or even videos, such as mp4, flv, etc. What is the meaning of the phrase: normalize audio? It means that the audio should be the most optimal level possible so that all […]