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Audio Normalize or Mp3 Normalizer , what is this about?

Audio Normalize or Mp3 Normalizer , what is this about?

Normalize is to modify a number of elements to meet some standard. That is, if one has a number of elements that have some disparity , these are manipulated so that all feature determined meet some standard.
Taking this to music , we see that the number of elements are the samples that make up a digital file are listed (mp3, mp2 , flac , ogg, ma4 , etc. ) and optimize in this case so as to meet a standard as to the volume gain . Seek its level of profit is neither less nor more than certain value.
We’re not talking about ReplayGain , but a much more modern and specially designed algorithm for digital music , under the conditions and kindof current player .
ReplayGain offered a certain value for an entire song, while the MP3Doctor PRO2 (or Mp4Gain also ) optimize each of the millions of frames that make up a song , so that there are no bumps , falls , rises in volume.
This is not only to increase the volume or bas or give a volume boost, but – as noted – avoid disparity , bump, fall or rise in the volume that makes the playback of a song or an entire playlist not sound fine.


That’s where we understand the use of the term: normalizer.

Why is taking a number of elements, which in this case are the 44 thousand samples per second conformn a digital recording and make these manetngan level of volume gain within certain margins. So the aforementioned falls, bumps, ups and other disturbances of volume, they are not nice and no one wants to have in your collection of mp3s (or other formats, it also normalize MP3Doctor PRO2 other formats, the most common and are avoided popular).

Summarizing, we see that in this case the term or mp3 audio normalizer normalizer (normalizer auqnue could be flac, ogg normalizer, normalizer m4a, etc) refers to getting there no volume differences between songs and or between parts of a song, at least no difference that is annoying to the ear.

Modern players are very sensitive to differences in volume and so a normalization algorithm as offered MP3Doctor PRO2 is needed. On the other hand portable players also need to have a stable volume of music files to play properly.


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