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Mp3 Level Equalizer: Mp3Doctor PRO

Mp3 Level Equalizer: Mp3Doctor PRO

What is distortion?

According to wikipedia:

A distortion is the alteration of the Original shape (or other characteristic) of an object, image, sound, waveform or other form of information or representation. Usually Distortion is unwanted, and Many methods are employed Often to minimize it in practice. In Some fields, however, distortion may be Desirable, Such Is the Case with electric guitar distortion.

Initially when the person encounters the problem that your collection of mp3s (often obtained from different sources, both encoded by different encoders … here comes the problem, but we’ll discuss later) sounds uneven in volume levels, the first thing that comes to mind is simply amplify all your mp3s. But what would be the problem if that person, anxious to enhance or increase the volume, simply amplifies all the mp3s?

Mp3 Level equalizer

That would result in the points where the volume of mp3 this higher, called ‘spikes’, will be distorted, would sound saturated with an excess volume.

Someone might think, and so was many years ago, amplified to the level where every song or mp3 take their peaks at the highest level before distortion. That was the old normalization. A simple concept, with uncertain results. So they work 99% of the volume normalizing.

Mp3Doctor PRO I get to the point where amplificscion innovation should not be global, but thousandth of a second, so we avoid the saturation, we can amplify over a passage of low volume and amplify less volume spikes higher.

To this intended to refer someone who uses the term ‘Level Equalizer’, which refers to equal levels of a mp3. Maybe technically ‘Level equalizer’ is not a Puritan term, perhaps even incorrect, but it is quite descriptive. So here to stay.

Volume Leveling

It’s like actually refer to Volume Leveling, more acceptable term, referring to the volumes of different level so that mp3s sound good when played each other.

Volume Booster

Volume Booster with something similar happens, it is not literally want the mp3 sound louder overall, but some of its passages of low volume if you have a push to match the levels of volumes, preventing falls in volume, but of course tambein avoiding saturation.

In short, what we all want is that the volume levels of all parts of our mp3 are perfectly audible to a similar volume, not ever come to the distortion. Well, that’s what makes Mp3Doctor and no other …

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