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Mp3Doctor PRO 2, the new standard for mp3 normalizers

Mp3Doctor PRO 2, the new standard for mp3 normalizers

Until the appearance on the market of Mp3Doctor PRO 2 software, standardization generally only mp3s to any format and eventually more. Now are enough qu formats can be normalized, at least, are the most popular formats such as mp3, mp2, flac, ogg, m4a, aac, ac3 and wav.

These mentioned formats (mp3, mp2, flac, ogg, m4a, aac, ac3 and wav) can be normalized to the same quality with which Mp3Doctor PRO noamliza mp3 files.

That is, not only equals their audio volumes, but actually optimizes the volume, getting to sound different, better, that no insdtrumentos, voices, or low-volume passages. More or less is the result you get with expensive equipment in major FM radio stations. for example.


By the loudness is not necessarily synonymous with volume agin, but also must have a balance of sounds that make up the whole that is the song. There are many factors at play realidadf and so the normalization of Mp3Doctor PRO 2 sound different, sound better.

In a recording can also accentuate certain frequencies with an equalizer as having integrated Mp3Doctor PRO 2 and this will also improve quality.




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