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Mp3Gain Alternative for 2015 / 2016: Mp3Doctor PRO2

Mp3Gain Alternative for 2015 / 2016: Mp3Doctor PRO2


​After 10 or more years since the boom mp3gain, and currently insufficient.
First because there are now a variety of audio formats that do not exist (or not used) in that time. Fundamentelmente a decade ago it was all about the mp3 .
Today the situation has changed dramatically. On the one hand there have been operating systems and devices that did not exist at that time, such as Iphone, Android, etc. And this has generated formats necessarily go far beyond the mp3.

On the other hand, the capabilities of computers have increased considerably and thus the audio quality today can handle is also completely different.

Thirdly, I also happened that the tags that were used for mp3gain will not standardized, it is really very little the number of music players that are able to read those tags. All this has generated that in the new generation of audio and DVD audio and operational and / or devices systems, a more modern and with the times we live software is needed, to offer this process levels volume, to prevent large changes in volume from one song to another.

That is, the need to process the volume levels still exists, but it needs a more updated software, which is able to handle other formats and also take another approach, with better quality audio, to level the volume levels.

Even, it is no longer necessary "compare" each different tracks, is now possible audio normalization take each song to its most audible level possible, without falling into distortion. Reaching the most optimal level of audio is the new strategy. I bought tracks became obsolete.




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