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Posts tagged representación de decibelios en un reproductor de música

Mp3 Normalizer – Equalize the volume of my music in mp3?

Mp3 Normalizer – Equalize the volume of my music in mp3? Very often (daily would say) we get many emails where people consult us if Mp3Doctor Mp3Doctor PRO or PRO (which is equal to Mp3Doctor PRO but it works for me, as formats like FLAC, Ogg, AAC, AC3, M4A, etc. ), want to know if […]

M4a, AAC, FLAC, Ogg, Mp3, Mp3… Volume Booster

The  “original” audio formats for each operating system, have no compression, sound like a very high quality, but they occupy disk spacio demasiadoe are muygranes, difficult to transport, send or receive (download) online. This caused a little over a decade, emerged-by necessity-compression formats. This is, basically, the reason why mexisten the MP3 and other compression formats. […]

Mp3 Normalizer, Mp3Doctor PRO a new concept.

Mp3 Normalizer, Mp3Doctor PRO a new concept. Some may already know this application, I did not know and I have decided to discuss it here who also knew her. I am referring to Mp3Doctor PRO. There is an application for Pocket PC, but for PC, not for Mac, but we can help with MP3 then […]